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Class III Medical Devices; News and Information

The first compliance date for Unique device identification, UDI, class III was September 2014. Class III medical devices are defined as devices that support or sustain human lives, Class III Medical Devices include implanted pacemakers, heart valves and implanted cerebral simulators. At that time the FDA mandated that labels and packages of class III medical […]

Benefits of a UDI System

When we talk about UDI in our industry, we always refer to the classes, Class 3, Class 2 and Class 1 UDI and we always reference the due dates. What gets lost in this discussion is the actual benefits that accompany UDI. When UDI is fully implemented there are benefits to multiple organizations: the organization […]

Preparing to Meet UDI Compliance Dates

The healthcare industry has been rapidly preparing for FDA compliance requirements, on all medical devices (Class I-Class III.)— With the FDA’s latest deadline being completed for Class II devices this September, are you prepared for the Class I deadline? With each UDI deadline provide a new challenge for the medical device community. While many companies […]

Upcoming UDI Class III and Class II Compliance Dates

We are nearing almost 3 years of the original publication of the UDI final ruling.  What this means to medical device manufacturers is that we are just over a month away (September 24, 2016) for certain deadlines around Class III and Class II devices and packaging. Class III regulations due Sept. 24th: UDI required devices […]

Improving UDI Barcode Quality and Verification

One of the largest labeling regulations in recent history; UDI (Unique Device Identifier) labeling has been at the forefront of any medical companies agenda to not only implement new information but to also properly display this critical information in a proper fashion. provided simple yet resourceful list of common issues that they have seen […]

Upgrading to BarTender 2016: Integration Builder

Earlier this year we announced the newest release of BarTender from Seagull Scientific ( and covered the new Administration Console features.  Users familiar with BarTender are familiar with the Commander feature; in BarTender 2016 Commander is know known as Intergration Builder but there is more than just a name change involved. Through highly customizable, intuitive […]

Upgrading to BarTender 2016: Administration Console

Over the next couple weeks we will discuss the benefits and features of the newest version of Seagull Scientifics ( BarTender label design and printing application. One of the many new features in BarTender 2016 is the Administration Console.  In previous versions the user had to go to a separate console for security settings, event […]

Depuy Synthes reaches 100% compliance on Class II UDI Regulations

Depuy Synthes ( one of the largest manufacturers of orthopaedic and neurosurgery products has reached 100% compliance for UDI Class II. Pragmatyxs was retained as a strategic partner for DePuy Synthes to achieve this milestone. Pragmatyxs assisted in building the database where all product codes related to UDI are integrated into Depuy Synths ERP system […]

Feedback from UDI’s first roll out

The Pharma and Medical device industry is well informed on the changes being implemented for better device identification and issue tracking known as the UDI ruling. The first wave of requirements for Class III devices is now behind us  and Med Device Online sat down with Jay Crowley, VP and UDI Practice Lead at USDM […]

Second UDI Compliance deadline due in September

In September of 2013 the Unique Device Identification (UDI)  Ruling was put into action responding to the demand for more clarity, understanding and an easier way to update medical devices.  Manufacturer’s have been implementing this ruling into their processes and come September 24, 2015 the second deadline will be put into action.  Non-class III implantable, […]