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Avoiding production shutdowns

Our partners at NiceLabel & Loftware recently conducted a survey of 300 directors in manufacturing across the U.S., UK, France, and Germany. “The survey found that on average more than two-thirds of manufacturers (67%) were having to shut down their production line for more than an hour if there was a problem with labeling printing.” […]

Preventing food recalls

When we look at the food supply chain, we assume that our food is wholesome and safe. We don’t want to think about the toxic food that may be finding its way into our grocery stores and in turn, our homes. While companies may not be able to completely prevent food recalls, there are a […]

Building smarter supply chains

“According to the Logistics Bureau, 69 percent of organizations don’t have full visibility of their supply chains.” Why is this important? In order to improve supply chain operations and reduce costs, you must have full visibility into how your supply chain runs from start to finish. Unfortunately, many manufacturers have their data siloed in multiple […]

Improving barcode traceability accuracy

We all have the excitement of those brown boxes waiting on our doorstep and the sheer joy of finding out what’s inside. Now follow that box through the steps it took to get to you and add in all the points in which something could go wrong, and it is quite impressive that it made […]

Investment in electric aircraft company

While the auto industry has flown past many to perfect electric cars, the aerospace industry is on its heels with United investing in an electric aircraft company, Heart aerospace. The electric planes will have 19 seats and “Mesa airlines, which partners with United on its efforts to introduce electric aircraft to commercial services,” will also […]

Digitizing your paper-based supply chain

While many aspects of our lives have become automated, some paper-based habits and processes may be a little harder to leave behind.  In a report by Gartner, a research and insights firm, “more than 50% of organizations have not yet actively started to build a roadmap for supply chain digital transformation.” Our partners at BarTender […]

5 Keys to ensuring Edge Computing success

Edge Computing is “a distributed, open IT architecture that features decentralized processing power, enabling data to be processed by a device itself or by a local computer or server, rather than being transmitted to a data center.” Edge Computing has gained momentum due to the need for mobile computing and Internet of Things (IoT) technology. […]

A more responsive supply chain strategy

The supply chain has faced many challenges over the last year and a half. Trying to predict demand has been nothing short of impossible for many manufacturers. “Whether it’s raw materials for construction projects or electronic components for consumer goods and vehicle production, manufacturers are confronted with “new normal” on an almost daily basis.” “These […]

Data quality is key to leveraging, AI, Machine Learning

  As technology continues to advance, manufacturing companies look for ways to increase productivity and efficiency with new technological advances. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are proving to be where companies want to focus their time and resources.   What they are finding is that preparation is key and that implementing these technologies will […]

The Internet of Things (IoT) goes beyond gadgets

As we shared in a previous blog about all the great things that the Internet of Things technology has given us, home security, fitness apps, and smart farming, it is now being considered to help distribute the COVID-19 vaccines. RFID Journal, which reports on anything in the world of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), and also […]