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CEO banned from drug industry

A statistic in November 2021, noted the pharmaceutical industry in the United States was worth around 2.8 trillion dollars. This is a significant increase from just a year prior when it was valued at 1.27 trillion. While there are many factors that play into the massive increase, one of them is what people pay for […]

Teen semi drivers allowed in apprenticeship program

Many parents feel trepidation when their teenager comes of age to start driving. Now fast forward to that teen being 18 years old and wanting to take part in a test apprenticeship program to drive a 40-ton (when fully loaded) semi-truck. The federal government is moving forward with a plan that required the Federal Motor […]

What has led to the manufacturing labor shortage?

When automation was in its infancy, many thought it would set out to replace workers. Robots are able to do repetitive jobs faster and at a lower cost, so there’s no arguing with the economics. “Today, the exact opposite is true. We have a manufacturing labor shortage with no end in sight,” and this is […]

World Health Day 2022

In honor of the World Health Organization and the many health organizations, we work closely with, Happy World Health Day! The World Health Organization was founded in 1948 to connect nations and people to “promote health, keep the world safe and serve the vulnerable—so everyone, everywhere can attain the highest level of health.” The WHO […]

Teaching manufacturers how to fish with e-commerce

Many manufacturers are looking to get into the e-commerce game and to do so, they can go about it one of two ways: Do the work themselves while hoping to figure it out as they go along and stare at a huge learning curve. Hire a marketing firm to do the work for them. The […]

The engineer behind the first CT scan

When we think about medical devices, we may not take much time to consider when they were first invented. It may be hard to imagine that October 1, 1971, was 50 years ago but many of today’s most used medical devices were invented in the last 100 years including the first computed tomography image or […]

Beverage developer expands operations

Have a great idea for a new beverage? Need the ability to take it from concept to consumer? Flavorman, a beverage development company, just broke ground on a new facility expansion in Louisville, Kentucky. “Upon completion, the project will bring 30 new jobs to downtown Louisville and will continue to serve as a catalyst for […]

Manufacturers take their business online

“According to the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), the period between February and March 2020 say 35.5% of manufacturers experienced supply chain disruptions, and 78% felt uncertainty around the pandemic and worried that it would impact their business.” When we talk about the supply chain, it is the whole chain that includes distributors, wholesalers, warehouses, […]

Aircraft fuel made from sunlight and air

“Scientists at ETH Zurich have built a plant that can produce carbon-neutral liquid fuels from sunlight and air.” This plant can produce synthetic liquid fuels that release as much CO2 during combustion as was extracted from the air for production previously. “CO2 and water are extracted directly from ambient air and split using solar energy.” […]

Spyware invading phones

  “Spyware is a software with malicious behavior that aims to gather information about a person or organization and send it to another entity in a way that harms the user.” We have come to expect certain security features when it comes to our business and personal computers to protect us from spyware. Now our […]