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PXSmartLabel Print History Reporting Tool

Label Print History provides the means for organizations to reconcile the printing of a label. Print History reconciliation provides an important tool in troubleshooting print issues as well as administering print operation facilities. The ability to easily access configurable information including which template printed, who was the  print operator and what date/time stamp is recorded […]

Globally managing print operations with PXSmartLabel

Managing label and barcode print operations can be a heavy task for any administrator, especially when it comes to controlling operations across the globe. Ensuring that the correct label and the quantities printed are important for supply chain movement and accuracy. A disciplined approach to global label printing that is extended to all of the […]

Depuy Synthes reaches 100% compliance on Class II UDI Regulations

Depuy Synthes ( one of the largest manufacturers of orthopaedic and neurosurgery products has reached 100% compliance for UDI Class II. Pragmatyxs was retained as a strategic partner for DePuy Synthes to achieve this milestone. Pragmatyxs assisted in building the database where all product codes related to UDI are integrated into Depuy Synths ERP system […]

FDA looking to new sugar labeling regulations

The FDA is continually looking to improve not only the safety of food and drug manufacturing but also to provide a clear understanding of these products to consumers.  The FDA is proposing manufacturers implement labeling changes that identify natural sugars and those added. While including the amount of natural and artificial sugars in a product […]

Avoiding counterfeit parts in electronic manufacturing

When we refer to the word counterfeit in the regulatory industry we commonly associate it with Medical Device and Pharmaceutical manufacturing that can cause adverse affects to human safety. The same can be said in the electronic industry; for example; electronics drive the Aerospace and Defense industries as well as our everyday electronic tools that […]

How Pragmatyxs improved J Crew’s supplier printing

Retailers rely heavily on manufacturing vendors to assist in supplying quality products to their supply chain operations in a timely manner.  Communication between hundreds or even thousands of vendors can be extremely overwhelming and details can be missed.  To operate efficiently it is vital to implement controlled shipping controls in your supply chain that are […]

Implementing proper barcoding for your UDI transition

The UDI ruling and implementation process has been discussed in many forums. In our previous discussions we have covered certain dates and criteria that are required to meet the upcoming regulations but one thing that has not been discussed significantly is one of the most important pieces: the UDI bar code and the implementation process. […]

Maximizing your warehouse efficiency with mobile freedom

The days of manual data inventory management are over; these methods produce counting errors and most importantly an inefficient use of time with your labor force. Utilizing mobile supply chain applications can  free your warehouse operations personnel to be more accurate in their performance, providing product delivery and inventory  that is being properly tracked and […]

Looking towards the future with DSI Global partnership

Mobile devices play a huge role in everyday tasks from communication, activity monitoring and endless other abilities and now DSI Global brings supply chain management into the palm of your hands.  Centering your supply chain around the customer not only meets their demands and expectations but allows you to operate a transparent, innovative and efficient […]

Around the clock support that can handle your end-to-end solutions

  Time and money are two of the most valuable assets in any business.  Both of these can be wasted trying to solve incidents within your supply chain; whether its contacting multiple vendors, contacting support after hours, dealing with call centers.  The list can go on; but there is a simple solution… Pragmatyxs Support. Pragmatyxs […]