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SHL Medical to Build New Plant in South Carolina

Many manufacturers work on a global scale, having plants located in numerous countries can make producing the same products, meeting the same regulations, and achieving the same quality standards a challenge. An enterprise labeling solution and a fully integrated system can help make this a little easier. SLH Medical’s new manufacturing plant in South Carolina […]

Benefits of Near-Infrared Technology

Quality control is vital across all processes within manufacturing.  We have shared how enterprise labeling ensures quality output once products are produced but want to also look at other quality control methods to keep those products functioning at optimal levels.  Near-infrared technology is one aspect of quality control for the chemical industry. Near-Infrared Technology or […]

Timely compliance with MDR requirements

May 26, 2022, marked the deadline for medical device manufacturers to comply with the EU MDR requirements.  The main objective of this compliance mechanism was to “establish a robust, transparent, predictable and sustainable regulatory framework for medical devices…which ensures a high level of safety and health whilst supporting innovation.” While the MDR has been in […]

Surgeons potentially treat strokes remotely

Endovascular intervention is an emergency medical procedure to treat strokes caused by a blood clot. Normally this procedure requires a surgeon to manually guide a thin wire to the clot to physically clear the blockage or deliver drugs to break it up. MIT engineers are working to find a solution to treat strokes remotely when […]

World Health Day 2022

In honor of the World Health Organization and the many health organizations, we work closely with, Happy World Health Day! The World Health Organization was founded in 1948 to connect nations and people to “promote health, keep the world safe and serve the vulnerable—so everyone, everywhere can attain the highest level of health.” The WHO […]

Doctor indicted for adulterating medical devices

  A doctor in Raleigh, North Carolina was indicted for the extreme misuse of a medical device in addition to Medicare fraud and making and using materially false Healthcare Documents.  Many of the patients were misled by thinking the medical device, was sterile and was used for the first time during their surgery. A balloon […]

Lizards offer new approach to artificial lungs

A study at Princeton University involving the brown anole lizard as the subject matter has brought new light to help improve one of nature’s complex actions—breathing. “Whereas human lungs develop over months and years into baroque tree-like structures, the anole lung develops in just a few days into crude lobes covered with bulbous protuberances.” The […]

The engineer behind the first CT scan

When we think about medical devices, we may not take much time to consider when they were first invented. It may be hard to imagine that October 1, 1971, was 50 years ago but many of today’s most used medical devices were invented in the last 100 years including the first computed tomography image or […]

Electronic nose can distinguish millions of scents

Did you know the human nose has an estimated 400 scent receptors and can distinguish millions of different smells? Trying to replicate this seems almost unfathomable, but one engineer is finding a way to benefit the environment, law enforcement, and even the military. Through a grant from the National Science Foundation’s Center for Bioanalytical Metrology […]

Device taps brain waves to help with communication

Communication and the ability to communicate are often taken for granted, but not so for a person that has been without this ability.  “In a medical first, researchers harnessed the brain waves of a paralyzed man unable to speak—and turned what he intended to say into sentences on a computer screen.” While it will take […]