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Now Available: BarTender 11.4

BarTender 11.4: Streamline your labeling and future-proof performance without increasing IT resources One of the key advantages of a cloud-based solution is its seamless integration into an organization without the need for extensive planning or budgeting for hours of IT support. Much of the software maintenance is provided by the solution provider, while the user-friendly […]

Printer models added with latest driver release

As organizations look to enhance and upgrade their labeling and marking systems, they should not make decisions in a silo. Finding a solution that cohesively and seamlessly performs with a business’s ERP or WMS system and its printers. “BarTender extended its commitment to offering the industry’s largest printer driver library for printing, marking, and coding…” […]

Simplify SAP Label Printing

BarTender Intelligent Templates™ enable businesses to save time and money by streamlining and simplifying SAP label printing by choosing from hundreds of pre-built labels. For many companies that may require a more elaborate label, this can be achieved by creating custom labels using “dynamic data, images, colors, object positions, and text on each label that […]

Keep your drivers up to date

Print drivers require updates to perform at optimal levels just like computer software. Updates can improve your printer’s performance, stability, and compatibility, making your labeling process more seamless.  Loftware NiceLabel provides driver downloads for some of the most popular printer drivers like Zebra, Toshiba, Epson, Avery Dennison, Honeywell, and more. They offer “4500+ printer drivers, […]

Golf manufacturer reduces label creation time

Golf has continued to gain momentum in recent years so in order to meet this continually growing market, PING is working to get their club inventory out to market faster. With a production goal of more than 10,000 golf clubs a day in the U.S. alone, you can see why they need to reduce label creation […]

Labeling inefficiencies and how to solve them

To create and sustain a lean supply chain, manufacturers must review and assess every process to ensure they are operating at optimal efficiency. BarTender identified labeling inefficiencies and how to solve them. Here are a few of the things they found to be vital changes to create better efficiency: Consolidate label templates – Having templates […]

NiceLabel Print Designer

Product labeling in the medical and pharmaceutical industries must meet stringent regulations to ensure the labeling is accurate and the end user receives what they expect to receive. Other industries may have labeling regulations but also have a bit more freedom in the look/design of their labels.  NiceLabel’s Print Designer provides an “easy-to-use cloud-based label […]

High ROI implementing BarTender

“A boutique, certified-organic coffee roaster overcomes labeling challenges by bringing operations in-house with BarTender, resulting in increased flexibility, optimized turnaround times, and significant ROI.” The below case study from BarTender shares how they were able to take a problem from their customer and find a way to provide a solution utilizing their (BarTender’s) labeling product […]

Front-of-Package Nutritional Labeling

“The FDA is prioritizing its nutrition initiatives to ensure people in the United States have great access to healthier foods and nutrition information” enabling healthier food choices. One of these initiatives is front-of-package nutritional labeling. This initiative would not be in lieu of the full nutritional facts labeling typically found on the back of most […]

Custom Label Printing with BarTender

When you stop to think about the number of products and packaging that is out in the market, the number can quickly surpass the millions.  To think that each has a custom label that is printed can be mind-blowing. Our partners at BarTender®, have provided 3 things you need to know about Custom Label Printing. […]