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Best practices that distributors want

The relationship between manufacturers and distributors can be complicated at times. The heavy reliance on each other to move products and the continuous care and feeding in a rapidly changing environment, can create tension and weaken this relationship.  Through years of experience working with distributors and manufacturers, some best practices have been identified that may […]

All-in-one labeling solution

“Spectrum is the only all-in-one labeling solution to be delivered completely via a browser-based interface.” The ability to scale your operations across all your locations seamlessly is invaluable. How do you know if your company may benefit from implementing Spectrum as your labeling solution? Some of the benefits of Spectrum are: Designed for large, global […]

Barcoding: Past, Present and Future

It seems that the technology of barcoding has been around for quite a while but surprisingly, barcoding is a recent invention. The idea for it came many years before the practice was put into place. The idea of barcoding was first discovered by Joe Woodland in 1948 when he “moved to Miami Beach to invent […]

Loftware NiceLabel 10.2 release now available

Loftware has just announced the release of Loftware NiceLabel 10.2, the latest version of the NiceLabel labeling platform. Some of the highlights of this release are: New document storage experience with a more modern and user-friendly interface for faster access to data. New cloud print application which allows printing from any device, simply via a […]

Lack of digital security expertise leaves you vulnerable

We’ve talked a lot about moving labeling operations moving to the Cloud to gain efficiency and accuracy, but also increased security. This same security is becoming less reliable due to a lack of digital security expertise.  “According to a recent survey performed by Rackspace- a provider of multi-cloud services and security, two of the top […]

The first Cloud-based RFID encoding and logging system

“Solution enables producers of medical devices, pharmaceuticals, and luxury goods to meet stringent traceability requirements.” There is an increased requirement for medical devices to include a unique device identification number (UDI) to identify devices implanted in the body.  The effort launched between Loftware’s NiceLabel Cloud software and SATO, a pioneer in auto-ID and labeling solutions, […]

Benefiting from a well-designed project plan

A significant key to Pragmatyxs’ success is our adherence to a high-quality, repeatable project management process. The commitment to delivering projects on time, on scope, and on budget remains at the core of our work and ensures our customers are long-term clients. Our projects, past and present range in scale and scope from single-site barcode […]

Ditching paper for digital inventory

Mobile devices have certainly changed and shaped the world. It is rare to see someone without a mobile device in their hand. They have started to find their way into the manufacturing world through labeling printing and inventory control.  While there are some great benefits of mobile technology in manufacturing, there are also some hurdles […]

Four Steps to Reducing Manufacturing Risk

In the industries that we support, compliance, regulation, and requirements, especially as they relate to labeling: is commonplace conversation. What isn’t as apparent is the discussion of risk-based thinking.  “Over the past few years, organizations have begun to embrace an even broader mindset towards risk-based thinking motivated by the growing discipline of regulatory compliance and […]

ERP Implementation still concerning to manufacturers

When companies seek to implement a new ERP system, it isn’t the thought of evaluating purchasing options or requirements planning that concerns them, it is the need for support from the ERP provider during implementation and beyond that has them taking the time to truly weigh their options. According to a recent research study from […]