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How Pragmatyxs improved J Crew’s supplier printing

Retailers rely heavily on manufacturing vendors to assist in supplying quality products to their supply chain operations in a timely manner.  Communication between hundreds or even thousands of vendors can be extremely overwhelming and details can be missed.  To operate efficiently it is vital to implement controlled shipping controls in your supply chain that are […]

In the News: Public access to Global UDI Database

The UDI ruling has been hailed as a landmark decision in the medical supply industry as it allows for better education to doctors and to patients on the devices and products that are utilized as well as the ability to provide updates and recalls on products. The FDA has announced that public access is now […]

Potential changes to the GMO Labeling Act

The food labeling industry has continued to discuss whether genetically modified goods should have labeling requirements.  A few states have had bills proposed but none so far have passed; while some manufacturers are marketing all natural products to drive sales others are arguing that there are no health concerns with genetically modified goods. The issue […]

Implementing proper barcoding for your UDI transition

The UDI ruling and implementation process has been discussed in many forums. In our previous discussions we have covered certain dates and criteria that are required to meet the upcoming regulations but one thing that has not been discussed significantly is one of the most important pieces: the UDI bar code and the implementation process. […]

Maximizing your warehouse efficiency with mobile freedom

The days of manual data inventory management are over; these methods produce counting errors and most importantly an inefficient use of time with your labor force. Utilizing mobile supply chain applications can  free your warehouse operations personnel to be more accurate in their performance, providing product delivery and inventory  that is being properly tracked and […]

Achieving customer satisfaction with a mobile supply chain

The ultimate goal in a successful supply chain is customer and partner satisfaction.  A satisfied customer or business partner can determine how successful and even how long you are in business for.  One of the biggest keys to reaching that goal is to provide a product or service in a timely manner while continuing to […]

Looking towards the future with Pragmatyxs and mobile solutions

  Mobile Supply Chain implementations are becoming a growing trend and with good reason.  As customers and business partners expectations increase, the ability to perform  in a timely manner in your supply chain can either have them coming back for more or knocking on the competitors door. Mobile solutions have expanded across various industries; warehouse […]

Important facts: Food Safety Modernization Act

Originally signed into law in 2011 the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) aims at protecting consumers through more in depth preventative action. FSMA provides the FDA broad new powers to prevent food safety problems, detect and respond to food safety issues and  improve the safety of imported foods. FSMA intends this preventative action before issues arise […]

Building your Mobile Supply Chain

    Implementing a mobile supply chain application into your companies environment can be viewed as a daunting and intimidating process. Pragmatyxs has developed a strategic relationship with  DSI Global  to utilize their solution accelerators with Pragmatyxs’ development experience to reduce this intimidation factor. Pragmatyxs; utilizing the solution accelerators from DSI Global can build  an […]

Tips and Tricks: Food Label forecasting for 2015

                  Legislation is underway to require restaurants and even vending machines to show the calorie count on products. The continuing evolution of the product label is in the news almost every day with consumers requiring significantly more information to be supplied on each label.  Here are some items […]