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Industry-specific ERP systems are essential

Enterprise Resource Planning or ERP has been an essential part of many businesses from mid-size companies to large-size corporations.  ERP software can integrate all the processes a company needs to successfully run.  ERP systems have evolved over time, and most have created a web-based application, enabling users to access it remotely. Unfortunately, this system can […]

Device taps brain waves to help with communication

Communication and the ability to communicate are often taken for granted, but not so for a person that has been without this ability.  “In a medical first, researchers harnessed the brain waves of a paralyzed man unable to speak—and turned what he intended to say into sentences on a computer screen.” While it will take […]

Digitizing your paper-based supply chain

While many aspects of our lives have become automated, some paper-based habits and processes may be a little harder to leave behind.  In a report by Gartner, a research and insights firm, “more than 50% of organizations have not yet actively started to build a roadmap for supply chain digital transformation.” Our partners at BarTender […]

3 great innovations fueled by the pandemic

While we are all still managing our way through a pandemic that has spanned over the past 18 months, there are some positive things, especially innovations that have been “fueled by COVID-19”. Genetic vaccines “Early mRNA vaccines were hard to store and didn’t produce the right type of immunity.” DNA vaccines were more stable but […]

Exclusive solution enables customized labels and feature updates

PXSmartLabel is an exclusive solution developed by Pragmatyxs to provide a labeling solution that can be utilized in an on-premise, virtual, or cloud-based infrastructure. PXSmartLabel enables clients to customize their labeling to meet branding, compliance, and security needs. If your organization has ever had a software application you wish had just a few additional features […]

6 benefits of mobile technology in manufacturing

  We have all seen “the evolution of information technology”, especially when it comes to mobile phones. They have gone from “simple call-making devices to more complex information processing machines.” The ability of mobile phones to collect, process, and disseminate large amounts of data makes them a great option for the manufacturing industry. Manufacturing Business […]

5 Keys to ensuring Edge Computing success

Edge Computing is “a distributed, open IT architecture that features decentralized processing power, enabling data to be processed by a device itself or by a local computer or server, rather than being transmitted to a data center.” Edge Computing has gained momentum due to the need for mobile computing and Internet of Things (IoT) technology. […]

20 companies responsible for half the world’s single-use plastic

Single-use plastics and the reduction of them have been a focus for many years. A recent analysis, conducted by Mideroo, an Australian nonprofit, stated that “just 20 companies account for 55% of those plastics.” Food containers, plastic bags, and packaging materials are often the target of environmentalists and the production of these doesn’t seem to […]

How pharmaceutical companies can streamline labeling compliance

Our partners at NiceLabel® worked with a top pharmaceutical company to help them implement a new labeling system that would allow them to “modernize legacy systems” to enable future growth.  The goals of the company were to “unify labeling to a single platform, have better oversight of label variations, and streamline regulatory compliance processes.” In […]

Data quality is key to leveraging, AI, Machine Learning

  As technology continues to advance, manufacturing companies look for ways to increase productivity and efficiency with new technological advances. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are proving to be where companies want to focus their time and resources.   What they are finding is that preparation is key and that implementing these technologies will […]