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Navigating EU CLP compliance

Navigating EU CLP compliance

When thinking about labeling, we often only consider the process—manufacturing, inventory control, and supply chain management. However, it’s important not to overlook the products themselves. Regulatory and compliance requirements for labels constantly change depending on the product, whether medical devices, pharmaceuticals, or various chemicals. Navigating EU CLP compliance cloud-based solutions from Loftware will help many companies ensure traceability and safety with chemical products without sacrificing productivity.

“On April 23, 2024, significant updates to the European Classification, Labeling, and Packaging (CLP) Legislative Act were finally passed” … Many of these changes in labeling chemical substances included details such as font size, letter spacing, and use of digital labels. These changes intend to increase readability, transparency, and consumer safety. They will go into effect as soon as 2025. As stated by Janet Greenwood, regulatory affairs specialist, “the latest CLP updates is part of the EU’s chemicals strategy for a more sustainable and toxic-free environment with chemical labeling changes focused on hazard classifications poised to impact various industries (not just chemicals).”

As with any major update that may impact many people and organizations, advanced notice and a clear timeline are imperative. For the implementation of EU CLP compliance companies placing their products on the EU market must classify their substances or mixtures by the following dates:

May 1, 2025, for new substances on the EU market

Nov. 1, 2026, substances already on the EU market

May 1, 2026, for new mixtures on the EU market

May 1, 2028, for mixtures already on the EU market

To meet tight deadlines, an automated and standardized system is essential. Loftware’s cloud-based solution offers the labeling and design tools to comply with most regulations. As regulations change, a flexible solution will allow organizations to adapt quickly without affecting production or safety. Pragmatyxs can provide consultation and implementation services for companies to be successful.