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Webinar: Debunking the 7 myths of Cloud Security

Join Loftware’s experts on 14th September at 3 pm BST/10 am EDT/7 am PST as they debunk the most common cloud security myths. This webinar will provide answers that dispel misconceptions around cloud deployment. It will also explain how you can realize new efficiencies as you move your labeling and other applications to the cloud. […]

Clinical supply labeling compliance

Did you know that labeling compliance is required in the clinical trial phase of many potential pharmaceutical drugs?  Loftware Prisym 360 is a great solution to overcome clinical trial supply challenges. Some of the solutions that Prisym 360 provides are: Automates clinical booklet design – As the number of countries is added to a study, […]

Improving time to market

    In the food and beverage industry, the packaging is everything. It is the first thing customers see and maybe the initial reason a consumer considers your product. Lakeview Farms, a manufacturer of dips, desserts, and specialty products, found that their manual artwork management process was both time-consuming and lacked stakeholder visibility, which reduced […]

The critical role of labeling for vaccines

  “Vaccine supply chains are fast-changing, complex, and vitally important to society, and nowhere is this more evident than with COVID-19.” So often when we think and talk about the supply chain, we envision everyday consumer products like household items, clothing, and food and beverages. We forget that medical supplies including vaccines are also part […]

Retail supply chain optimization

We have shared several blogs with solutions on supply chain optimization because 1.) there is no one answer, 2.) it continues to be an area that needs improvement and resolution, and 3.) consumer expectations have changed, wanting a seamless shopping experience. With this increase in delivery routes due to higher online orders, visibility and traceability […]

4 benefits of automating your labeling process

The ability to pivot quickly and plan for the unexpected can be the difference between a successful and a failing business. In the barcode labeling arena, the need to change and update information quickly is a must, and automating the process helps achieve this. Changes in customer and regulatory requirements are “pushing traditional labeling approaches […]

Avoiding production shutdowns

Our partners at NiceLabel & Loftware recently conducted a survey of 300 directors in manufacturing across the U.S., UK, France, and Germany. “The survey found that on average more than two-thirds of manufacturers (67%) were having to shut down their production line for more than an hour if there was a problem with labeling printing.” […]

NiceLabel: New look, same commitment

Earlier this year, our partner NiceLabel announced they had joined Loftware™, a leading product labeling software company.  Together, “these two industry-leading organizations became one integrated whole- creating the largest labeling software company in the world,” and we are proud to team up with them. With the joining of these two organizations comes a new corporate […]

Pragmatyxs Services: Template Upgrades and Conversions

Continuous change in the requirements for labels leads to difficulties in keeping pace, and your label teams and designers are challenged by competing deadlines for projects. Do you have product templates nearing a compliance deadline? Or just looking for an updated design and logic? Do you need to supplement resources to get all of this […]

Tips and Tricks: Loftware Label Manager/ Print Server Product Flash

  For Pragmatyxs customers  running Loftware Label Manager or Loftware Print Server 10.2.1 or higher. The following is an important notice regarding Julian dates.  If you have any questions feel free to contact the Pragmatyxs Support Team.   Date formats using “WW yy” (Week,Week,year,year) or “WW yyyy” will report the Julian week as one less […]