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Beverage developer expands operations

Have a great idea for a new beverage? Need the ability to take it from concept to consumer? Flavorman, a beverage development company, just broke ground on a new facility expansion in Louisville, Kentucky. “Upon completion, the project will bring 30 new jobs to downtown Louisville and will continue to serve as a catalyst for […]

Aircraft fuel made from sunlight and air

“Scientists at ETH Zurich have built a plant that can produce carbon-neutral liquid fuels from sunlight and air.” This plant can produce synthetic liquid fuels that release as much CO2 during combustion as was extracted from the air for production previously. “CO2 and water are extracted directly from ambient air and split using solar energy.” […]

Two of the largest companies feuding over the Cloud

We frequently talk about moving to the Cloud when it comes to Enterprise Labeling but housing data in the Cloud is needed for more businesses than we realize. “In 2019, the Pentagon awarded a massive, $10 billion contract for Microsoft to provide cloud computing services to the defense department.” 2 years later, the contract was […]

Preventing food recalls

When we look at the food supply chain, we assume that our food is wholesome and safe. We don’t want to think about the toxic food that may be finding its way into our grocery stores and in turn, our homes. While companies may not be able to completely prevent food recalls, there are a […]

5 tips to increase employee awareness of cyber security

Keeping networks secure is literally a full-time job for many within technology departments across the world.   “One of the most effective ways that small and medium-sized enterprises can prevent data violation is to increase employee cyber awareness.” Technology departments must set a security foundation by securing networks with a reliable antivirus tool and ensuring the […]

Industry-specific ERP systems are essential

Enterprise Resource Planning or ERP has been an essential part of many businesses from mid-size companies to large-size corporations.  ERP software can integrate all the processes a company needs to successfully run.  ERP systems have evolved over time, and most have created a web-based application, enabling users to access it remotely. Unfortunately, this system can […]

Device taps brain waves to help with communication

Communication and the ability to communicate are often taken for granted, but not so for a person that has been without this ability.  “In a medical first, researchers harnessed the brain waves of a paralyzed man unable to speak—and turned what he intended to say into sentences on a computer screen.” While it will take […]

Investment in electric aircraft company

While the auto industry has flown past many to perfect electric cars, the aerospace industry is on its heels with United investing in an electric aircraft company, Heart aerospace. The electric planes will have 19 seats and “Mesa airlines, which partners with United on its efforts to introduce electric aircraft to commercial services,” will also […]

3 great innovations fueled by the pandemic

While we are all still managing our way through a pandemic that has spanned over the past 18 months, there are some positive things, especially innovations that have been “fueled by COVID-19”. Genetic vaccines “Early mRNA vaccines were hard to store and didn’t produce the right type of immunity.” DNA vaccines were more stable but […]

6 benefits of mobile technology in manufacturing

  We have all seen “the evolution of information technology”, especially when it comes to mobile phones. They have gone from “simple call-making devices to more complex information processing machines.” The ability of mobile phones to collect, process, and disseminate large amounts of data makes them a great option for the manufacturing industry. Manufacturing Business […]