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Probe into electric vehicle batteries

Automobile recalls have been a common occurrence for many years. While most are minor or more of a precaution, they are an important safety practice for consumers. With the growing interest and focus on electric vehicles, there has been an increase in recalls and probes into electric vehicle batteries. A new inquiry by the National […]

The four predictions for manufacturing in 2022

Manufacturing has made its way through many obstacles in recent years, from supply chain issues to labor shortages.  As we wrap up the first quarter of 2022, we can see how four predictions made for 2022 and the evolution of manufacturing may be shaping up. Goodbye to the single part flow approach Until recently, manufacturers […]

CEO banned from drug industry

A statistic in November 2021, noted the pharmaceutical industry in the United States was worth around 2.8 trillion dollars. This is a significant increase from just a year prior when it was valued at 1.27 trillion. While there are many factors that play into the massive increase, one of them is what people pay for […]

Doctor indicted for adulterating medical devices

  A doctor in Raleigh, North Carolina was indicted for the extreme misuse of a medical device in addition to Medicare fraud and making and using materially false Healthcare Documents.  Many of the patients were misled by thinking the medical device, was sterile and was used for the first time during their surgery. A balloon […]

Poultry plant workers vote to remove union

Labor unions were first established back in the eighteenth century during the European industrial revolution.  The intent of the unions was to protect the rights and work environment of workers. “Currently there are more than 60 unions representing more than 14 million workers throughout the country.” Some of the common benefits of joining a union […]

OSHA to collaborate on massive gummy bear factory

“The 500,000-square-foot project calls for nearly 400 workers making ‘Goldbears’” This facility in Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin will be home to a new facility for Haribo USA, a subsidiary of the German company that created the first gummy candy in 1922. This facility will be the company’s largest capital investment in its history. “OSHA’s Strategic Partnership […]

Ford Trucks Allow for Vehicle-To-Vehicle Charging

“The automaker introduces the all-electric 2022 F-150 Lightning and the F-150 PowerBoost Hybrid and they bring a new meaning to topping off.” With the increase in electric cars on the road, comes the need for a different kind of roadside assistance.  “Last May, Ford revealed its electric F-150, which possessed the power to charge an […]

Industrial Chemicals Found in U.S. Fast Foods

It’s no secret that fast food really isn’t good for you.  And if you needed another reason to limit these types of food in your diet, a “first-of-its-kind study” was recently published stating that popular fast foods contained chemicals linked to a long list of serious health problems. “Researchers at the George Washington University and […]

Lizards offer new approach to artificial lungs

A study at Princeton University involving the brown anole lizard as the subject matter has brought new light to help improve one of nature’s complex actions—breathing. “Whereas human lungs develop over months and years into baroque tree-like structures, the anole lung develops in just a few days into crude lobes covered with bulbous protuberances.” The […]

Protecting your brand through labeling

“Two-thirds of consumers who have unintentionally purchased counterfeit goods have lost their trust in a brand. Modern labeling and printing technologies can come to the rescue.” The value of imported fake goods that were seized in 2019 was estimated to be $509 billion which was up from $461 billion in 2018. This value only includes […]