Happy Holidays from Pragmatyxs
The Pragmatyxs team would like to wish you and your family a happy and safe holiday season! We thank you for your continued support and look forward to servicing you in the New Year!
The Pragmatyxs team would like to wish you and your family a happy and safe holiday season! We thank you for your continued support and look forward to servicing you in the New Year!
Label Print History provides the means for organizations to reconcile the printing of a label. Print History reconciliation provides an important tool in troubleshooting print issues as well as administering print operation facilities. The ability to easily access configurable information including which template printed, who was the print operator and what date/time stamp is recorded […]
Managing label and barcode print operations can be a heavy task for any administrator, especially when it comes to controlling operations across the globe. Ensuring that the correct label and the quantities printed are important for supply chain movement and accuracy. A disciplined approach to global label printing that is extended to all of the […]
Barcodes play a huge role in product labeling, reducing errors, expediting movement through the supply chain, inventory management and point of sale. Barcodes are the lifeline for product labeling; they hold vital information content whether it be how the product is handled, how it is inventoried or where it needs to be shipped. Many organizations […]
The FDA has recently published the final rule implementing section 708 of the Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act (FDASIA). The rule provides the FDA with an administrative process for the destruction of certain drugs refused admission to the United States. Many of these drugs come into the United States via international mail. […]
The Pharma and Medical device industry is well informed on the changes being implemented for better device identification and issue tracking known as the UDI ruling. The first wave of requirements for Class III devices is now behind us and Med Device Online sat down with Jay Crowley, VP and UDI Practice Lead at USDM […]
The FDA is continually looking to improve not only the safety of food and drug manufacturing but also to provide a clear understanding of these products to consumers. The FDA is proposing manufacturers implement labeling changes that identify natural sugars and those added. While including the amount of natural and artificial sugars in a product […]
Counterfeit drugs have become a growing issue in the Medical Manufacturing industry and as technology advances we are seeing more and more occurrences. We have addressed in previous posts the major risks in counterfeit products and how they can have a severe impact on the consumer. We rely on the integrity of the drug supply […]
In September of 2013 the Unique Device Identification (UDI) Ruling was put into action responding to the demand for more clarity, understanding and an easier way to update medical devices. Manufacturer’s have been implementing this ruling into their processes and come September 24, 2015 the second deadline will be put into action. Non-class III implantable, […]