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EU Food Allergen Labeling

In the United States, we are quite familiar with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and its involvement in food and drug production. FDA is responsible for “protecting the public health by assuring the safety, efficacy, and security of human and veterinary drugs, biological products, medical devices, the nation’s food supply, cosmetics, and products that […]

The A-Z glossary of medical labeling

In the medical field, names and terms can be a bit overwhelming, from elaborate pharmaceutical names to medical diagnoses.  Medical labeling is almost as complicated, so Loftware has put together an A-to-Z glossary for medical labeling. “The world of regulated label management has its share of highly specialized and technical language.” This article provides links […]

Synergy in ERP systems and inventory management

RFgen looks at the complexity of supply chain management and notes that “to make it happen, people, processes, and technology must gel into one symbiotic ecosystem.” Finding the synergy between ERP systems, consulting services, and inventory management provides the efficiency warehouses need. Understanding how these three areas work together in a very symbiotic way, clearly […]

Pediatric Labeling Changes

“A pediatric labeling change refers to any update to a product’s labeling to add information about safety, effectiveness, or dosing for children.” As you can imagine, the number of labeling changes to pediatric medications has increased over the years due to more research, new findings, and better information. There are a number of legislative initiatives, […]

NiceLabel Print Designer

Product labeling in the medical and pharmaceutical industries must meet stringent regulations to ensure the labeling is accurate and the end user receives what they expect to receive. Other industries may have labeling regulations but also have a bit more freedom in the look/design of their labels.  NiceLabel’s Print Designer provides an “easy-to-use cloud-based label […]

NFC tag provides solution for medical supplier

When working within a medical laboratory or pharmaceutical arena, extra care must be taken to ensure safety, clarity, and accuracy. This doesn’t change when it comes to the labeling process.  Our partners at BarTender were able to find a solution for a medical supplier using NFC tags to uniquely identify containers “while maintaining information clarity […]

What’s the skinny, on skinny labels?

We recently wrote about the Hatch-Waxman Act and the negotiation that occurred to allow for longer patents for new drugs on the market.  Now we dive into skinny labels, what they are, and how they may prevent brand-name drug manufacturers from delaying the competition. In this blog, we will share the skinny, on skinny labels. […]

The Hatch-Waxman Act and pharmaceutical costs

How is it that we have a “prescription drug price crisis when 90% of prescriptions are filled with generic drugs that cost, on average, $1 a day? The answer: The remaining 10% of prescriptions have an average cost of $20 a day and account for 80% of all prescription drug spending.” The intent of the […]

High ROI implementing BarTender

“A boutique, certified-organic coffee roaster overcomes labeling challenges by bringing operations in-house with BarTender, resulting in increased flexibility, optimized turnaround times, and significant ROI.” The below case study from BarTender shares how they were able to take a problem from their customer and find a way to provide a solution utilizing their (BarTender’s) labeling product […]

Supplier labeling and the Cloud

Many organizations require third-party vendors like suppliers, contract manufacturers, and third-party logistics providers to deliver their product labeling. Compliance labeling requires clear and consistent processes and organizations spend time and money to ensure their labels are accurate.  Many organizations are finding that having Supplier labeling in the Cloud is the best way to ensure compliance. […]