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Supplier labeling and the Cloud

Many organizations require third-party vendors like suppliers, contract manufacturers, and third-party logistics providers to deliver their product labeling. Compliance labeling requires clear and consistent processes and organizations spend time and money to ensure their labels are accurate.  Many organizations are finding that having Supplier labeling in the Cloud is the best way to ensure compliance. […]

Pragmatyxs’ consultants and analysts

Pragmatyxs’ consultants and analysts have been part of our organization for many years, enabling us to provide a thorough and high-quality customer experience for all customer engagements. Our consultants and analysts are experienced IT professionals allowing them to offer both technical and business perspectives for their projects. The benefit of seeking the help of our […]

3 Common Manufacturing Challenges

We hear from our partners what their customers deem to be challenges in manufacturing and now Manufacturing Business Technology (MBT), a digital magazine providing the latest news, and products relating to manufacturing and supply chain management, shares what they are hearing about manufacturing challenges and their numerous industry resources. To give some perspective on the […]

Revolutionizing warehouse operations

RFgen, a leader in mobile barcoding and data collection, revolutionizes warehouse operations by identifying some key elements to optimize efficiencies and reduce labor costs. They looked at four areas to achieve these improvements: strategy and planning, warehouse layout optimization, process improvement, and labor management. Strategy and Planning – U.S. labor costs have risen 5.1% year […]

Loftware NiceLabel 10: Seven powerful enhancements

Loftware NiceLabel 10 is one of the first major releases for NiceLabel and includes Loftware NiceLabel Cloud and Loftware NiceLabel Management System (LMS). Below are seven powerful enhancements made to the Loftware NiceLabel release. “This release provides users with a top-level view of their labeling operations and streamlines printer management, saving time, adding control, and […]

Front-of-Package Nutritional Labeling

“The FDA is prioritizing its nutrition initiatives to ensure people in the United States have great access to healthier foods and nutrition information” enabling healthier food choices. One of these initiatives is front-of-package nutritional labeling. This initiative would not be in lieu of the full nutritional facts labeling typically found on the back of most […]

Custom Label Printing with BarTender

When you stop to think about the number of products and packaging that is out in the market, the number can quickly surpass the millions.  To think that each has a custom label that is printed can be mind-blowing. Our partners at BarTender®, have provided 3 things you need to know about Custom Label Printing. […]

Labeling automation reduces templates by 40%

A global leader in medical devices found that automating their labeling process could reduce the number of label templates by 40%.  This is an astounding number considering the medical industry is one of the most heavily regulated environments. The ability to move from manual processes and inputs to a fully automated solution can only result […]

Leveraging GS1 standards and services in marketplaces

The establishment of Global Standards, a nonprofit organization that standardizes business information globally,  leverages GS1 standards and services in the marketplace providing a faster listing process, improved counterfeit detection, and simplified regulatory compliance. GS1 is a common language to identify, capture, and share information globally. GS1 Standards provide unique identification of items and products that […]

BarTender 2016 support expires April 30

BarTender® 2016 and older versions will expire at the end of next month from support. Unless customers have an extended end-of-life plan, Seagull Scientific will no longer take support calls for 2016 and older after April 30, 2023. You can access a free trial of the newest version here. Upgrading to the newest version of […]