When we think about warehouse safety, we often envision making improvements to eliminate equipment accidents and falls. Rarely would the idea of mobile data collection be on our mind as a solution, though our partners at RFgen share just how 9 ways that mobile data collection can improve safety.
You can improve warehouse safety with automated data collection through the following:
- Increase Data Collection Automation and Accuracy
Automating important data like hazardous substances, important procedures, and repair reports results in “flawless data collection for material handling.” Mobile solutions prevent repetitive motions and unnecessary bodily movements that can cause injuries.
2. Fix Warehouse Layout
As you can imagine, the warehouse layout is critical for worker safety and operational efficiency. Some ways in which warehouses can be improved are increased size, widened aisles, and reconfigured storage areas.
3. Improve Communication
Effective communication goes hand in hand with business improvement but is especially crucial regarding safety. Improving communication around safety awareness, possible hazards, and best practices. This is where data collection and reporting can play a vital role in keeping workers informed. “Automation ensures a seamless flow of accurate information, especially in high-risk areas.”
4. Stay in Compliance with Government Regulations
Warehouses in addition to other operational entities are required to follow strict adherence to government regulations. Mobile automation can simplify compliance by documenting employees’ actions and steps and providing questions that attest safety protocols have been followed.
5. Real-Time Hazard Reporting
The ability to alert workers immediately of a potential danger like a spill, equipment malfunction, or unsafe condition is invaluable. Thanks to mobile technology, the time between identifying the hazard and initiating a response is significantly reduced and risk mitigation is more effective.
6. Enhanced Training and Onboarding
Mobile inventory solutions like “RFgen Mobile Edge™ reduce training requirements for new and seasonal staff—up to 80%.” This allows more time for safety training.
7. Automated Safety Checks
The ability to automate checklists and reminders for procedures and automated checks provides valuable data for continuous improvement.
8. Incident Tracking and Analysis
In conjunction with #7, when safety checks are automated, you can track patterns and address issues much faster before they become severe issues, or cause an accident. Incident tracking is preventative maintenance and can be corrected with repairs or training.
9. Emergency Response Coordination
A plan only works well if people know it, understand it, and have access to it. Mobile devices on the warehouse floor enable everyone to have emergency protocols, contacts, and guidance.
In the manufacturing environment, safety comes first. Let RFgen’s mobile inventory solution help you mitigate some of the distractions that can keep your business from being safe and efficient. Pragmatyxs can be your trusted advisor to ensure compliance with government regulations and integration with your other business systems.